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♂ Barrey
What does Barrey mean?
Barrey as a boys' name means "fair-haired". Barrey is a version of Barrett. Barrey is also a derivative of Barry (Irish, Gaelic).
ASSOCIATED WITH fair (white)
VARIANTS Berry▼, Barrie, Barree, Bari
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA BARRETT, BARRY Baret, Baris, Barrat, Barratt, Barret, Barrette
Barrey Mauro (B.M.), ..
How popular is Barrey?
Barrey is a rare first name for men. Barrey is also a rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Barrey (NOT RANKED) ranked in the Top 2000 are Barrett (#213 LAST YEAR), Barry (#1207), Barret, Barrie and Berry. Other variants, like Baret, are seldom used. Usage of these relations of Barrey was widespread among parents during the years 1950-1959 (AVERAGE #1091) and is now much lower (#1484, ▼61%), with forms such as Barry falling out of fashion. Barry is a constant favorite, though Barrett has become popular as well over time. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Barrey is alike in pronunciation to Barra. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bairre, Barcley, Barde, Barek, Barker, Barkley, Barnes, Barney▼, Barny, Barr, Barren, Barrt, Bartel, Barten, Bartley, Baxley, Bayley, Birley, Birney, Brae, Bray, Brye, Burley, Burney, Burr, Byrley, Carey▼, Carley, Carney, Carrey, Correy, Darcey, Darrel▼, Darren▼, Darry, Darsey, Earley, Farley, Farrel, Farren, Farrer, Garey, Garred, Garren, Garret▼, Garrvey (see Garvey), Gerrey, Hardey, Harley▼, Harry▼, Harvey▼, Jarred▼, Jarrel, Jarren, Jarret, Jarvey, Jerrey (see Jerry), Karney, Karrel, Korrey (see Kory), Larren, Larrey, Lawrey, Mabrey, Markey, Marley▲, Morrey, Murrey, Parrey, Parry, Tarren, Terrey, Torrey▼ and Warley. These names tend to be more frequently used than Barrey.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]