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What does Barrey mean?

Barrey Pronunciation of Barrey as a boys' name means "fair-haired". Barrey is a version of Barrett. Barrey is also a derivative of Barry (Irish, Gaelic).


ASSOCIATED WITH fair (white)


VARIANTS Berry, Barrie, Barree, Bari

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA BARRETT, BARRY Baret, Baris, Barrat, Barratt, Barret, Barrette



Barrey Mauro (B.M.), ..

How popular is Barrey?

Barrey is a rare first name for men. Barrey is also a rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Prominent variation forms of Barrey (NOT RANKED) ranked in the Top 2000 are Barrett (#213 LAST YEAR), Barry (#1207), Barret, Barrie and Berry. Other variants, like Baret, are seldom used. Usage of these relations of Barrey was widespread among parents during the years 1950-1959 (AVERAGE #1091) and is now much lower (#1484, 61%), with forms such as Barry falling out of fashion. Barry is a constant favorite, though Barrett has become popular as well over time. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Barret, Barrett, Barrie, Barry, Berry in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Barry outside U.S.

Similar Names

Barrey is alike in pronunciation to Barra. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bairre, Barcley, Barde, Barek, Barker, Barkley, Barnes, Barney, Barny, Barr, Barren, Barrt, Bartel, Barten, Bartley, Baxley, Bayley, Birley, Birney, Brae, Bray, Brye, Burley, Burney, Burr, Byrley, Carey, Carley, Carney, Carrey, Correy, Darcey, Darrel, Darren, Darry, Darsey, Earley, Farley, Farrel, Farren, Farrer, Garey, Garred, Garren, Garret, Garrvey (see Garvey), Gerrey, Hardey, Harley, Harry, Harvey, Jarred, Jarrel, Jarren, Jarret, Jarvey, Jerrey (see Jerry), Karney, Karrel, Korrey (see Kory), Larren, Larrey, Lawrey, Mabrey, Markey, Marley, Morrey, Murrey, Parrey, Parry, Tarren, Terrey, Torrey and Warley. These names tend to be more frequently used than Barrey.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
