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What does Beatty mean?

Beatty Pronunciation of Beatty as a boys' name has the meaning "voyager (through life); blessed". Beatty is a variant form of Beattie (Irish, Gaelic, Latin): masculine respelling of Beatrice.


ASSOCIATED WITH life, blessed


VARIANTS Beaty, Beatie



Beatty Sam (B.S.), ..

How popular is Beatty?

Beatty is a rare given name for males but a very popular last name for all people (#1283 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Beatty has not made it into the list thus far. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Beatty name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Beatty outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Balto, Barry, Bart, Barth, Bartt (see Bart), Bat, Baxly, Bay, Beach, Beachy, Beacon, Beagan, Beagen, Beagin, Beal, Beale, Beall, Bealle, Beals, Beaman, Beamen, Beamer, Beamon, Beamus, Bear, Beasley, Beasly, Beau, Beavan, Beaven, Beechy, Belamy, Benet, Benett, Benito, Benjey, Benjy, Bennt, Benny, Bent, Bentley, Bently, Benton, Bernt, Berry, Bert, Bertel, Bertie, Bertil, Bertin, Bertle, Berto, Bertol (see Berthold), Berton, Berty, Blaney, Bradey, Braidy, Branly, Brantt (see Brant), Brauly, Bray, Brently, Brentt, Brett, Brette, Britt, Britte (see Brett), Burtt, Burty, Marty, Matty, Natty, Patty and Scotty. These names tend to be more commonly used than Beatty.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
