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♂ Benjey
What does Benjey mean?
Benjey as a name for boys has its root in Hebrew, and the meaning of Benjey is "son of the right hand; son of the south; son of my old age". Benjey is a variant form of Benjamin (Hebrew).
VARIANTS Benjy, Benjie, Benji, Benjee
RELATIONS VIA BENJAMIN Ben▼, Benjamen, Benjimen, Benn, Bennie▼, Benno, Benny▼
Benjey Bryson (B.B.), ..
How popular is Benjey?
Benjey is a rare first name for men. Benjey is a unique surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Benjamin (#6 VIA LATEST LIST), Ben (#692), Benny (#1268), Benji (#1977), Benjamen, Benjie and Bennie are the prominent related forms of Benjey (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Usage of these forms of Benjey reached its apex during 1880-1889 (AVERAGE #895) and is almost as conventional today (#1420, DOWN 9.6%), but with versions such as Benny becoming somewhat dated. Benjamin has been the most well-known version. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Arney, Bailey▼, Baley, Barney▼, Bayley, Beachy, Beale, Beamen, Beasley, Becker, Beechy, Beemer, Beiler, Bellemy, Benet, Benne, Bennet, Bennt, Benoni, Bensen, Bentlee, Bentley, Bently▼, Benton, Bergen, Berkley, Berle, Berne, Bernie▼, Berry▼, Berty, Binky, Birkey, Birney, Blaney, Bonamy, Bonner, Brenley (see Brinley), Brentley, Brently, Briley, Brodey, Burley, Canbey (see Canby), Denbey, Denley, Denney, Dewey▼, Dunley, Fernley, Finley▲, Gearey, Hedley, Henley, Hewney, Jerrey (see Jerry), Kelbey, Kenley, Kenney, Kinney, Levey, Linley, Lynley, Owney, Penley, Percey, Randey, Remmey, Sealey, Sergey, Tandey, Toney, Webley, Welbey (see Welby) and Wesley▲. These names tend to be more commonly used than Benjey.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]