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♂ Branley
What does Branley mean?
Branley as a boys' name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Branley is "raven meadow". Place name.
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, raven, meadow
VARIANTS Branlea, Branlee, Branlie, Branly
Branley Bridger (B.B.), ..
How popular is Branley?
Branley is an uncommon first name for males but a somewhat popular surname for all people (#74957 out of 150436, Top 50%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Branley has yet to be ranked in the list thus far. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Branley is alike in pronunciation to Brenley, Brinlee, Brinley, Brinly, Brynlee and Brynly. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bailey▼, Baley, Baxley, Bayley, Beasley, Blaney, Bradey, Bradlea, Bradlee, Bradley▼, Bradly▼, Bradney, Bramwel, Branden▼, Brander, Brannen, Bransen, Branten, Brantley, Branwell, Brauly, Brawlea (see Brawley), Brawley, Brawly, Braylen, Brentley, Briley, Brindley, Bromlea (see Bromley), Bromlee, Bromley, Brunel, Bryley (see Briley), Cranlee (see Cranley), Cranley, Cranly (see Cranley), Grantley, Hanley, Manley, Shanley and Stanley▼. These names tend to be more frequently used than Branley.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]