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What does Brawly mean?

Brawly Pronunciation of Brawly as a name for boys has its root in Old English, and the name Brawly means "meadow at the slope of the hill". Brawly is an alternate spelling of Brawley (Old English): place name.


ASSOCIATED WITH old english, meadow, slope (mountain)


VARIANTS Brawlie, Brawleigh, Brawlea, Brauly, Braulie, Brauleigh



Brawly Sage (B.S.), ..

How popular is Brawly?

Brawly is an uncommon first name for males. Brawly is an equivalently unique surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Brawly has not been recorded in the list thus far. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Brawly name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Brawly outside U.S.

Similar Names

Brawly is pronounced similarly to Braulio, Briley, Brily, Bryley and Bryly. Other recommended sound-alike names are Baily, Bala, Bale, Balu, Barry, Baxly, Bayly, Beale, Beals, Beasly, Beatty, Beaty, Bently, Birly, Blaney, Brad, Bradd, Bradey, Bradin, Bradley, Bradly, Bradney, Bradon, Brady, Brae, Braedy, Braidy, Bramm, Bramwell, Brand, Brandyn, Branko, Branlea (see Branley), Branlee, Branley, Branly, Brann, Brantley, Branwell, Braser, Brasil, Bravlio, Bravo, Bray, Braylin, Brewer, Brinly, Brockly (see Brockley), Broddy, Brodey, Brucey, Brynly, Charly, Coakly (see Coakley), Cranly (see Cranley), Crosly (see Crosley), Early, Farly, Hadly, Haily (see Haley), Hawly, Headly, Marly, Pauly, Peasly, Radly, Rawly, Stanly, Wadly and Wally. These names tend to be more frequently used than Brawly.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
