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♂ Bridge
What does Bridge mean?
Bridge as a name for boys is of Old English derivation, and the name Bridge means "lives near the bridge; bridge-worker". Bridge is an alternate spelling of Bridger (Old English).
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, worker (occupational)
Bridge Axel (B.A.), ..
How popular is Bridge?
Bridge is an uncommonly occurring first name for men but a very prominent last name for all people (#5383 out of 150436, Top 4%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Bridger (#921 LAST YEAR) is the only popular varying form of Bridge (NOT RANKED). Adoption of this relation of Bridge was common among parents 2 years ago (#859) and has remained as conventional to this day. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Arledge, Arlidge, Bairre, Baldie, Bede, Beirne, Bid, Bidal, Bille, Bing, Bingo, Blade, Bligh, Blithe, Boid, Boine, Boyde, Bradan, Bradd, Braden▼, Bradey, Bradie, Bradin, Bradlea, Bradlee, Bradley▼, Bradly▼, Bradney, Bradon, Braidie, Braidin, Braydie, Brette, Briano, Briant, Brice▼, Bricio, Bricker, Bridgeley (see Bridgely), Bridgely, Brien, Brigg, Briggs▲, Brik, Briley, Brilie (see Briley), Brindly, Brinlee, Brinly, Brit, Briton, Britte (see Brett), Brizio, Brod, Broddy, Brodee, Broden, Broder, Brodey, Brodie, Brody, Bruce▼, Brucie, Brye, Bryse, Colridge (see Coleridge), Dodge, Elbridge, Gaige▼, Hodge, Lige▼, Ridge▲, Saige, Teige and Tige. These names tend to be more commonly used than Bridge.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]