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♂ Brocke
What does Brocke mean?
Brocke as a boys' name. The name Brocke means "badger-like". Brocke is an alternate form of Brock (Middle English, Old English, Celtic): transferred use of the surname.
Brocke Brandon (B.B.), ..
How popular is Brocke?
Brocke is a rare given name for men but a somewhat popular surname for all people (#96033 out of 150436, Top 64%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Brock (#548 FROM RECENT DATA) and Broc are the prominent varying forms of Brocke (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000. These relations of Brocke were favored as birth names 2 decades ago (AVERAGE #903) and are now significantly less popular. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Brocke is alike in pronunciation to Breck, Brick, Brik, Brook and Brooke. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Barack, Berke, Bourke, Bracken, Brice▼, Bricio, Brickel, Bricker, Brocklea (see Brockley), Brocklee (see Brockley), Brockley, Brocklie (see Brockley), Brockly (see Brockley), Brockten, Brodee, Brodie, Bronko, Brookes, Brookie (see Brooks), Brooks▲, Brose, Bruce▼, Brucey, Brucie, Bryce, Bryse, Burke, Crock, Crocket, Crooke, Krock and Locke. These names tend to be more frequently used than Brocke.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]