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♂ Byrley
What does Byrley mean?
Byrley as a boys' name is of Old English derivation, and Byrley means "meadow with knotty-trunk trees". Byrley is a version of Burleigh (Old English): place name.
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, meadow, trees
VARIANTS Byrleigh, Burlie, Burley
Byrley Marley (B.M.), ..
How popular is Byrley?
Byrley is an uncommon first name for males but a very popular last name for both adults and children (#50366 out of 150436, Top 33%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Byrley (NOT RANKED) are Burleigh and Burley. Other variants, like Burlie, are seldom used. These relations of Byrley were at the apex of their popularity during 1880-1889 (USAGE OF 0.01%). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Byrley is pronounced similarly to Barlow, Birley, Birlie and Birly. Other recommended sound-alike names are Arley, Bailey▼, Baley, Barcley, Barkley, Barney▼, Barrey, Bartley, Baxley, Bayley, Berkley, Berl, Berle, Birkey, Birkley, Birney, Bosley, Brawley, Briley, Brily (see Briley), Brylee, Bryley (see Briley), Bryly (see Briley), Burl▼, Burle, Burney, Byren, Byrne, Byrnes, Carley, Corley, Curley, Earley, Farley, Harley▼, Hurley, Lynley, Marley▲, Morley, Ryley, Sorley, Vyrle, Warley and Yarley. These names tend to be more commonly used than Byrley.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]