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♂ Caddell
What does Caddell mean?
Caddell as a boys' name is a Welsh name, and Caddell means "battle". Caddell is an alternate spelling of Cadell (Welsh): based on "cad".
ASSOCIATED WITH battle (war)
Caddell Reed (C.R.), ..
How popular is Caddell?
Caddell is an uncommonly occurring given name for men but a very prominent surname for all people (#7917 out of 150436, Top 5%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Caddell has yet to make it into the list so far. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Caddell is alike in pronunciation to Codell. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bedell, Cabell, Cadbee, Cade, Cadfael, Cael▼, Caide, Caiden▲, Calder, Caldwell, Campbell, Capell, Capello, Cappel, Cardell, Cardelle, Carden, Carel, Carmel, Carmeli, Carmello, Carmelo▲, Carnell, Carnelle, Caroll, Cartrell, Carvell, Caswell, Chappell, Claudell, Clydell, Connell, Cordell▼, Crandall, Crandell, Crowell, Darcell, Dariell, Gardell, Hamell, Harrell, Harwell, Haskell▼, Jamell, Jarell, Jarvell, Kordell, Ladell, Larell, Latrell▼, Lendell, Lindell, Lydell, Mandell, Mansell, Marcell, Martell, Maurell, Maxwell▲, Mendell, Randall▼, Randell▼, Ranell, Raynell, Rendell, Udell, Verdell, Vondell, Waddell, Wadell, Wardell, Waydell (see Wade), Wendell▼ and Wyndell. These names tend to be more frequently used than Caddell.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]