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♂ Caile
What does Caile mean?
Caile as a boys' name is of English derivation. Caile is an alternate form of Cale (English): modern fashionable-sounding name of uncertain origin.
VARIANTS Kayle, Kale▼, Kaile, Kail, Cayle, Cael▼
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Caple, ..
(female) Caire, ..
Caile Caysen (C.C.), ..
How popular is Caile?
Caile is a rare first name for men. Caile is an equally rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Caile (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Cael (#1978 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Cale and Kale. Other variants, like Kail, are seldom used. These forms of Caile were favored as baby names in the year 2008 (AVERAGE #653) and are now significantly less widespread, with forms like Cale becoming somewhat outmoded. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Caile is alike in pronunciation to Cael▼, Cal, Cale▼, Cayle, Col, Cole, Coll, Colle, Coyle, Kael, Kail, Kaile, Kale▼, Kayle, Kelle, Kile and Kyle▼. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bale, Basile, Cabe, Cable, Cace, Caelen, Caide, Caiden▲, Cailey, Cailin, Caily, Caine, Caio, Caird, Cairde, Cairn, Cairne, Cairo▲, Caius, Caleb, Caley, Canice, Carl▼, Carley, Carlile, Carlo, Carly, Carne, Case▲, Cayce, Cayleb, Chill, Clive, Craine, Daile, Dale▼, Dalle, Dayle, Earle▼, Fadile, Fadle, Gable, Gaile, Gaille, Gayle▼, Halle, Hayle, Jamile, Ladle, Lale, Nagle, Neile, Odile, Savile, Vaile, Vale, Zale and Zayle. These names tend to be more frequently used than Caile.