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♂ Carl
What does Carl mean?
Carl ▼ as a boys' name is pronounced karl. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Carl is "free man". From Karl, the German form of Charles. See also Carlos. Poet Carl Sandburg; journalist Carl Bernstein; astronomer/author Carl Sagan; psychologist Carl Jung.
SEE ALSO Carlyle
RELATED FORMS VIA CARLOS, CHARLES, KARL Carlito, Carlo, Carlos, Carrlos, Carrol▼, Carroll▼, Cary▼, Caryl, Chad▼, Charley▼, Charlie▼, Charlot, Charls, Charly, Chas▼, Chaz▼, Chip, Kale▼, Karlan, Karle, Karli, Karlin, Karlo, Karlos, Karol, Karoly, Karrel
Carl Zabdiel (C.Z.), ..
How popular is Carl?
Carl is a very popular first name for men (#47 out of 1220, Top 4%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#2746 out of 150436, Top 2%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Carl reached its apex position of #23 in the U.S. in the 1890s, and is at #700 presently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Carl (#700 IN RECENT RANKINGS) are Carlito, Carlo (#1209), Carlos (#137), Carlyle, Carrol, Carroll, Cary, Caryl, Chad (#897), Charles (#52), Charley (#1622), Charlie (#218), Charls, Charly, Chas, Chaz (#1824), Chip, Kale, Karl (#1288), Karlos and Karol. Other variants, like Charlot, are seldom used. These forms of Carl were at the peak of their popularity a century ago (ADOPTION OF 5.7%) and are now much less conventional (ADOPTION 0.7%, 88.2% LESS).
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Berl, Burl▼, Cabe, Cable, Cace, Cade, Cadel, Cael▼, Caeo, Caerd, Cai, Caile, Caily, Cain▲, Caio, Caird, Cairn, Cairo▲, Caje, Cal, Cale▼, Cam, Camry, Cap, Capel, Capp, Card, Carew, Carey▼, Carley, Carlin, Carlow, Carly, Carmel, Carne, Carny, Caroll, Caron, Carr, Carvel, Carvil, Caryll, Case▲, Cash▲, Cass, Cato, Caw, Cayle, Cayo, Caz, Ceri, Ciril, Ciro, Clare▼, Clark▲, Claro, Col, Coll, Cor, Cord, Cork, Cort, Cory▼, Curt▼, Cyril▼, Czar, Earl▼, Erl, Irl, Jarl and Perl. These names tend to be less frequently used than Carl.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]