Home > Carmino


What does Carmino mean?

Carmino Pronunciation of Carmino as a boys' name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Carmino is "song". Carmino is a version of Carmine (Latin): used by families of Italian descent.



RELATIONS VIA CARMINE Carman, Carmen, Carmin, Karman, Karmen



Carmino Justice (C.J.), ..

How popular is Carmino?

Carmino is an uncommonly occurring given name for men. Carmino is an uncommon surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Prominent alternative forms of Carmino (NOT RANKED) are Carmine (#1393 FROM RECENT DATA), Carman and Carmen. Other forms, like Karman, are uncommon. Adoption of these relations of Carmino reached its apex during the years 1920-1929 (MEDIAN #785) and is now significantly reduced (#1797, 86.2%), with the form Carmen going out of style. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Carman, Carmen, Carmine in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Carmino and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Armino, Balbino, Cadman, Cadmo (see Cadmus), Caetano, Caidin, Cailin, Cain, Caine, Caio, Cairo, Calvin, Calvino, Camillo, Camilo, Candido, Canning, Cardin, Cardon, Carlile, Carlin, Carling, Carlito, Carlo, Carmel, Carmeli, Carmelo, Carne, Carny, Caron, Carrick, Carsen, Carvil, Carwyn, Casimiro, Casmir, Cassio, Catlin, Cereno, Cirilo, Claudino, Corbin, Cormic, Cormick, Corrin, Corvin, Corwin, Crain, Craine, Curcio, Cyrano, Damiano, Domino, Ermano, Ermino, Flamino, Garmin, Gavino, Mariano, Marino, Martino, Maximino, Morino, Orsino, Paulino, Sabino, Salvino, Sandino, Santino, Sarafino, Savino, Tarquino, Taurino, Ursino and Yamino. These names tend to be more commonly used than Carmino.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
