Home > Cayle


What does Cayle mean?

Cayle Pronunciation of Cayle as a name for boys is of English origin. Cayle is an alternate spelling of Cale (English): modern fashionable-sounding name of uncertain origin.



VARIANTS Kayle, Kale, Kaile, Kail, Caile, Cael

(male) Caylet, ..

(female) Cayly, ..

Cayle Darell (C.D.), ..

How popular is Cayle?

Cayle is an uncommon given name for males. Cayle is a rare last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Cael (#1978 A YEAR AGO), Cale and Kale are the popular varying forms of Cayle (NOT RANKED). Adoption of these relations of Cayle was at its most widespread a decade ago (AVERAGE #653) and is now much reduced, with forms like Kale becoming less stylish. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Cael, Cale, Kale in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Cayle and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Cayle is alike in pronunciation to Cael, Caile, Cal, Cale, Col, Cole, Coll, Colle, Coyle, Kael, Kail, Kaile, Kale, Kayle, Kelle, Kile and Kyle. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Bale, Cable, Cace, Cade, Caelen, Caide, Cailey, Caily, Caine, Caje, Caleb, Caley, Carley, Carlo, Carly, Carlyle, Caryl, Caryll, Case, Cayce, Caycey, Cayden, Cayleb, Cayo, Cayto, Chayce, Chayne, Clyde, Clyve, Coye, Coyne, Crayne, Cuyler, Daile, Dale, Dalle, Daryle, Dayle, Doyle, Eagle, Earle, Eryle, Fadle, Gale, Gayle, Hale, Halle, Hayle, Karle, Lale, Lyle, Nagle, Pavle, Royle, Vale, Yale, Zale and Zayle. These names tend to be more commonly used than Cayle.
