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♂ Choncey
What does Choncey mean?
Choncey as a name for boys is a Middle English name, and the name Choncey means "good fortune". Choncey is a version of Chance (Middle English): surname.
VARIANT Chauncey▼
RELATIONS VIA CHANCE Chanse, Chanze, Chaunce, Chauncy
Choncey Kolt (C.K.), ..
How popular is Choncey?
Choncey is a rare given name for men. Choncey is an equally unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Choncey (NOT RANKED) appearing in the Top 2000 are Chance (#270 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Chanse, Chauncey and Chauncy. Other variants, like Chaunce, are seldom used. These relations of Choncey were popular as baby names 22 years ago (ADOPTION OF 0.13%) and are somewhat less conventional today (ADOPTION 0.07%, 43% LESS). (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Choncey is pronounced similarly to Chancey, Chaunsey and Chawncey. Other recommended sound-alike names are Cacey, Canbey (see Canby), Carney, Caycey, Chace▼, Chalney (see Chaney), Chane, Chaney, Chaniel, Channe, Chantrey, Chantry, Chany, Chanyel, Charley▼, Chayce, Cheney, Cheny, Chesley, Chesney, Choni, Clancey, Clancy, Claney, Cloyce, Cobey, Codey▼, Colbey, Coley, Colley, Coney, Conlen, Conley, Conner▼, Conroy, Conway, Conwy, Corey▼, Corley, Corney, Correy, Courey, Covey, Covvey (see Covey), Cowrey (see Cowrie), Coxey, Cranley, Crosbey, Crosley, Cydney, Dontey, Ohnrey, Quincey, Rooney, Shandey (see Shandy), Shanley, Stoney, Thandey, Thobey, Thorley, Thornley, Toney and Yancey. These names tend to be more frequently used than Choncey.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]