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♂ Claiborne
What does Claiborne mean?
Claiborne as a boys' name is of French, German and Old English origin, and the meaning of Claiborne is "boundary with clover; boundary of clay". Place name and surname of a major American family. American Senator Claiborne Pell. Also form of Clayton.
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, clay (earth), surname
VARIANTS Claiborn, Claibourn, Claibourne, Clayborn, Clayborne, Claybourn, Claybourne
Claiborne Aydin (C.A.), ..
How popular is Claiborne?
Claiborne is an uncommon given name for males but a very popular surname for all people (#6418 out of 150436, Top 4%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Claiborne reached its peak position of #1498 in the U.S. during 1900-1909, but is not listed at the moment. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Clayton (#253 FROM RECENT DATA) is the only other prominent varying form of Claiborne. Adoption of these relations of Claiborne reached its highest in the year 2000 (ADOPTION OF 0.1%) and is somewhat lower today (ADOPTION 0.1%, DOWN 39%).
Similar Names
Claiborne is alike in pronunciation to Clayburn, Klaiborn and Klaibourne. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Blackburne, Blaine▼, Caidon, Caine, Cairde, Cairn, Cairne, Cairns, Carne, Clair▼, Claire, Clare▼, Clarke, Claron, Clarons (see Clarence), Claronz, Clarrie, Claudon (see Claude), Claxton, Clayre, Coburne (see Coburn), Cockburne, Colbourne, Craine, Dearburne, Kairne, Milborne (see Milburn), Millborne (see Milburn), Nairne, Osborne, Radborne, Radbourne (see Radburn), Radburne, Raeborne (see Rayburn), Raybourne, Rayburne (see Rayburn), Sanborne (see Sanborn), Sanburne (see Sanborn), Sherborne (see Sherborn), Swynborne (see Swinburne) and Welborne. These names tend to be more commonly used than Claiborne.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]