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♂ Cobi
What does Cobi mean?
Cobi as a boys' name has its roots in Hebrew and Hungarian, and Cobi means "he who supplants". Cobi is a Pawnee form of Jacob (Hebrew). Cobi is also a variation of Kobi (Hungarian).
ASSOCIATED WITH supplants (victory)
VARIANTS Koby▼, Kobie, Kobey, Coby▼, Cobie, Cobey, Cobby
RELATED FORMS VIA JACOB, KOBI Cob, Cobb, Cobe, Jacobi, Jeb, Kobe▼, Kobus
Cobi Danilo (C.D.), ..
How popular is Cobi?
Cobi is an uncommonly occurring given name for men. Cobi is an unusual last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Cobi (NOT IN TOP 2000) are Jacob (#13 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Kobe (#574), Jacobi (#1351), Coby (#1510), Koby (#1718), Cobe, Jeb, Kobey, Kobi and Kobie. Other forms, like Cobie, are uncommon. These relations of Cobi were favored as birth names 2 decades ago (AVERAGE #1217) and are now much less common (#1516, DOWN 64%), with forms like Kobe falling out of fashion. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Cobi is pronounced similarly to Cuba and Kibo. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bibi, Cabe, Cai, Ceri, Chai, Choni, Codie▼, Cody▼, Coe, Col, Colbie, Colby▼, Cole, Colin▼, Colis, Coll, Colm, Colt▲, Como, Con, Conn, Cook, Coop, Cope, Cor, Corbie, Corbin▲, Corbit, Corby, Cord, Corie, Corin, Cork, Cort, Cory▼, Coty▼, Cox, Coxe, Coy▼, Coye, Gabi, Obi, Rabi, Robi, Rubi and Tobi. These names tend to be more commonly used than Cobi.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]