Home > Cody


What does Cody mean?

Cody Pronunciation of Cody as a boys' name (also used less widely as girls' name Cody) is pronounced KO-dee. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Cody is "helper". Transferred use of the Irish surname Ó Cuidighthigh that was originally a byname for a helpful person, or of Mac Óda, a personal name of uncertain origin. Use as a given name has been influenced by Buffalo Bill Cody (1846-1917), the showman of the Wild West.


ASSOCIATED WITH irish, helper (servant), surname


VARIANTS Codell, Codey, Codie, Kody





Cody Harris (C.H.), ..

How popular is Cody?

Cody is a very prominent first name for males (#246 out of 1220, Top 20%) and also a very prominent surname for all people (#1739 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Cody reached its peak position of #24 in the U.S. in 1993, and is presently at #283. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Cody name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Cody outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Codey, Codie, Coty and Kody (#891 IN RECENT RANKINGS) are the prominent alternative forms of Cody (#283). These forms of Cody were popular 3 decades ago (USAGE OF 1.1%) and have become significantly less popular since (USAGE 0.08%, 93% LESS), with versions such as Codey becoming less trendy.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Cody, Codey, Codie, Coty, Kody in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Cody outside U.S.

Similar Names

Cody is pronounced similarly to Cuddy, Kodey, Kodi and Kodie. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Addy, Andy, Ardy, Brody, Cadby, Cade, Cadyn, Cary, Ced, Cid, Clay, Clodo, Cloy, Cob, Cobb, Cobby, Cobe, Cobey, Cobi, Coby, Coe, Col, Colby, Cole, Coley, Coll, Colm, Colt, Colyn, Como, Con, Coney, Conn, Conwy, Cook, Coop, Cope, Cor, Corby, Cord, Corday, Corey, Cork, Corry, Cort, Corty, Cory, Covey, Cowry, Cox, Coxe, Coxey, Coy, Coye, Croy, Cy, Cyd, Eddy, Gordy, Jody, Jordy, Mordy, Roddy, Rowdy, Rudy and Woody. These names tend to be less commonly used than Cody.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
