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♂ Colton
What does Colton mean?
Colton ▲ as a boys' name is pronounced KOHL-ton. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Colton is "swarthy person; coal town or settlement". Surname and place name, derived from the personal name Cola, or also a doublet of Colby. Could also possibly mean "colt-settlement", or "Cole's settlement". See also Kolton.
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, surname
VARIANTS Coleton, Collton, Colston, Colten
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA COLBY, KOLTON Colbee, Colbey, Colbie, Collby, Kolt▲, Kolten▲, Koltin
Colton Kyden (C.K.), ..
How popular is Colton?
Colton is a somewhat popular first name for males (#1160 out of 1220, Top 95%) and an even more popular surname for both adults and children (#5102 out of 150436, Top 3%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Colton was first listed in 1970-1979 and reached its top position of #59 in the U.S. in 2015, and is currently at #68. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Kolton (#424 IN 2018), Colby (#594), Colten (#661), Kolten (#1007), Kolt (#1072), Coleton and Colston are the prominent variation forms of Colton (#68). These forms of Colton were popular as baby names in 2012 (MEDIAN #883) and are almost as popular today (#978, DOWN 19%), but with the version Colby going out of style. Kolt, Kolton, Kolten and Colton are four of the more chic baby names in this list.
Similar Names
Colton▲ is pronounced similarly to Kellton, Kelten, Keltin, Kelton and Keltonn. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Allton, Alton▼, Belton, Bollton (see Bolton), Bolten, Boltin, Bolton, Boston▲, Carlton▼, Caxton, Chelton, Chilton, Clayton, Cleon, Colan, Colden, Coldin, Colhoun, Colin▼, Collden (see Colden), Colldin (see Colden), Collen, Collin▼, Colman, Colson▲, Colt▲, Colter, Colwin, Colwyn, Colyn, Conlon, Cotten, Cotton, Coulson, Crofton, Dalton▼, Delton, Ellton, Elton▼, Felton, Fulton, Galton, Gorton, Halton, Hilton▼, Horton, Hylton, Jolyon, Milton▼, Morton▼, Mylton (see Milton), Norton, Salton, Tilton, Walton▼, Welton, Wilton▼ and Zoltan. These names tend to be less frequently used than Colton.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]