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♂ Connor
What does Connor mean?
Connor as a boys' name is pronounced KAH-ner. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Connor is "hound-lover". Anglicized form of Conchobhar (Gaelic), which was the name of a legendary king of Ulster who lived at the time of Christ. See also Konnor. Irish author Conor Cruise O'Brien.
ASSOCIATED WITH irish, hound (wolf), legendary (mythology), king
VARIANTS Conn, Conner▼, Conor▲, Konnor▲
Connor Javier (C.J.), ..
How popular is Connor?
Connor is an unusual first name for men but a very prominent surname for all people (#1138 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Connor entered the list in 1970-1979 and reached its peak rank of #38 in the U.S. in 2004, and is presently at #57. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Conor (#336 VIA LATEST LIST), Conner (#365), Konnor (#900) and Konner (#1024) are the prominent alternative forms of Connor (#57). Usage of these relations of Connor was widespread 14 years ago (ADOPTION OF 0.7%) and is somewhat less today (ADOPTION 0.5%, ▼34.4%), with the version Conner becoming somewhat dated. Connor has historically been the top pick of parents, though Conor has gained in usage.
Similar Names
Connor is pronounced similarly to Kenner. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abnor, Andor, Bonnar, Bonner, Cannan, Cannon▲, Canon, Canyon, Castor, Channon, Chano, Chanok, Chino, Colier, Colson▲, Colter, Colton▲, Colver, Como, Con, Conal, Conall, Conan, Conant, Concord, Coney, Conlan, Conlen, Conley, Conlin, Conlon, Connal, Connell, Connie▼, Connlyn, Conrad, Conroy, Conway, Conwy, Cook, Coop, Cooper▲, Cor, Cornel, Corney, Cosmo, Coster, Cotton, Coyne, Gainor, Gaynnor (see Gaynor), Gaynor, Junior▼, Landor, Maynor, Meinor, Menor, Mentor, Minor▼, Mynor, Noor, Radnor, Ragnor, Rainor, Raynor, Sandor, Senior, Todor, Winsor and Wynfor. These names tend to be more commonly used than Connor.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]