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What does Cornelus mean?

Cornelus Pronunciation of Cornelus as a name for boys has its root in Latin, and the name Cornelus means "horn". Cornelus is an alternate spelling of Cornelius (Latin): from "cornu".



VARIANTS Kornelius, Kornelis, Kornelious, Cornilius, Cornelious

RELATIONS VIA CORNELIUS Cornall, Corneille, Cornel, Cornelio, Cornell, Corney



Cornelus Francis (C.F.), ..

How popular is Cornelus?

Cornelus is an uncommon first name for men. Cornelus is also a rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Cornelius (#1696 A YEAR AGO), Cornel, Cornelious and Cornell are the prominent varying forms of Cornelus (NOT RANKED). Other variants, like Cornelio, are seldom used. These forms of Cornelus were popular as birth names a century ago (MEDIAN #1210) and have become significantly less popular since, with the form Cornelius becoming somewhat outmoded. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Cornel, Cornelious, Cornelius, Cornell in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Cornelus and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Cornelus is alike in pronunciation to Kornelisz. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aonghus, Artemus, Barnebus, Cardell, Cardelle, Carel, Carmel, Carmeli, Carmello, Carmelo, Carne, Carnell, Carnelle, Carney, Carolus, Carrlos, Carvel, Carvell, Catullus, Cetus, Cirrus, Cletus, Codell, Cokeley, Cokelie (see Coakley), Colas, Colis, Collis, Colum, Columbus, Comus, Conal, Conall, Conlan, Conlen, Conley, Conlin, Conlon, Connal, Connell, Corbet, Corbett, Cordale, Cordas, Cordell, Cordelle, Cordero, Coree (see Corey), Coren, Corie, Corless, Corley, Corliss, Cornwallis, Correy, Cortes, Cortez, Coryell, Covell, Coyne, Curtell, Cyrillus, Donatus, Ernestus, Ireneus, Kornel, Kornell, Lornell (see Lorne), Marcellus, Nereus, Perseus, Ponthus, Pontius and Romulus. These names tend to be more frequently used than Cornelus.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
