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♂ Cortney (boy)
What does Cortney mean?
Cortney as a name for boys (also used as girls' name Cortney) is of Old French origin, and the name Cortney means "domain of Curtis". Cortney is an alternate form of Courtney (Old French): family name and place name.
Cortney Jordy (C.J.), ..
How popular is Cortney?
Cortney is an uncommonly occurring given name for males but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#73412 out of 150436, Top 49%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Cortney was first listed in 1970-1979 and reached its apex position of #768 in the U.S. in the 1980s, but is not found in the list currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Courtney (#1911 LAST YEAR) is the only other popular varying form of Cortney. Adoption of these relations of Cortney reached its peak during the years 1980-1989 (USAGE OF 0.05%) and has become much reduced since, with the version Courtney becoming less trendy.
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Arney, Barney▼, Bartley, Birney, Burney, Carey▼, Carley, Carne, Carney, Carny, Carrey, Carter▲, Cartier, Chaney, Cheney, Codey▼, Colbey, Coley, Colten, Colter, Coney, Conley, Conner▼, Conwy, Corday, Coree (see Corey), Coren, Corey▼, Corley, Cornel, Cornell, Corney, Correy, Corrie, Cort, Cortes, Cortez, Corty, Cory▼, Coryden, Coster, Cotten, Coty▼, Courey, Covey, Covvey (see Covey), Coxey, Coyne, Crane, Cranly (see Cranley), Curley, Currey, Cydney, Dorsey▼, Forteney (see Fortney), Fortney, Fortny (see Fortney), Fourtney, Hartley, Hockney, Horsley, Jorey, Karney, Korrey (see Kory), Morley, Morrey, Morrley (see Morley), Pitney, Pittney (see Pitney), Romney, Rowney, Toney, Verney, Volney and Worthey. These names tend to be more frequently used than Cortney.