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Courtney (boy)

What does Courtney mean?

Courtney Pronunciation of Courtney as a boys' name (also used more generally as girls' name Courtney) is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Courtney is "domain of Curtis". Surname and place name, originally a Norman baronial name from places in Northen France called Courtenay. In earlier times, it has been taken as a nickname derived from Old French "court nez", meaning "short nose". Usually feminine in America nowadays. Actors Tom Courtenay, Courtney B. Vance. Also form of Cort.


ASSOCIATED WITH surname, norman, baronial (noble), old


VARIANTS Cortney, Courtenay, Courtenay, Curt

SEE ALSO Fortney

FEMININE FORMS Fortney, Kourtney



Courtney Ulysses (C.U.), ..

How popular is Courtney?

Courtney is a very prominent first name for men (#488 out of 1220, Top 40%) and also a very prominent last name for all people (#1202 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Courtney reached its apex rank of #274 in the U.S. during the years 1980-1989, and is at #1911 presently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Courtney name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Courtney outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Popular variation forms of Courtney (#1911 A YEAR AGO) are Cort, Cortney and Curt. Usage of these relations of Courtney reached its most widespread 38 years ago (USAGE OF 0.06%) and is now much diminished.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Courtney, Cort, Cortney, Curt in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Courtney and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Arney, Barney, Bourne, Burley, Burney, Carne, Carney, Charley, Cheney, Chesney, Claney, Cluny, Coakley, Coburne (see Coburn), Codey, Coley, Colten, Coney, Conrade, Conwy, Corben, Corbet, Corby, Corday, Coree (see Corey), Coren, Corey, Corley, Cornel, Cornell, Corney, Correy, Corrin, Cortes, Cortez, Corty, Cory, Coryden, Coster, Cotten, Coulter, Courey, Court, Courtlandt, Covey, Cowrey (see Cowrie), Cowrie, Coxey, Cranley, Culley, Curley, Currey, Currie, Curtice, Curtis, Curtiss, Cydney, Forteney (see Fortney), Fortny (see Fortney), Fourtney, Hartley, Huntley, Jorey, Jovanney, Korey, Murphey, Murrey, Pittney (see Pitney), Rodney, Romney, Rooney, Verney, Whitney, Worthey and Yovanney. These names tend to be less commonly used than Courtney.
