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♂ Crisanto
What does Crisanto mean?
Crisanto as a boys' name is of Spanish and Greek origin, and the meaning of Crisanto is "gold flower". Usually refers to a chrysanthemum.
VARIANTS Cresento, Crisento, Crizant, Crizanto
Crisanto Jensen (C.J.), ..
How popular is Crisanto?
Crisanto is an uncommon given name for males but a very popular last name for both adults and children (#39617 out of 150436, Top 26%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Crisanto has not been listed in the list so far. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Argento, Aristo, Arsanio (see Arsenio), Briano, Briant, Caetano, Caidan, Carsan, Casandro, Cato, Cayto, Cesario, Cesaro, Chano, Chantz, Chino, Christan, Christiano, Christo, Christof, Christos, Christy, Cian, Cipriano, Ciriaco, Cisco, Cleante, Cleanth, Cleanto (see Cleanth), Clianth, Clint▼, Clinton▼, Clintt (see Clinton), Conant, Consalvo, Constant, Crane, Cranly (see Cranley), Cranston, Crayton, Crichton, Cris, Crispian, Crispin, Crispino, Crispo, Crispus, Crisspin (see Crispin), Cristen, Cristian, Cristiano▲, Cristino, Cristofor (see Cristofer), Criston, Cristos, Cristovano, Cristy, Cronan, Cruzito, Cyrano, Kristo and Santo. These names tend to be more commonly used than Crisanto.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]