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♂ Damion
What does Damion mean?
Damion ▼ as a name for boys is of Greek derivation. Damion is a variant form of Damian (Greek): possibly means "to tame, subdue".
VARIANTS Demyan, Daymon, Daymian, Dayman, Damyon, Damyen, Damyan, Damon▼, Damien▲, Dameon, Damen, Daman, Daimon, Daimen, Daemon
OTHER FORMS VIA DAMIAN Damiano, Damianos, Damianus
Damion Calvin (D.C.), ..
How popular is Damion?
Damion is a somewhat popular first name for men (#988 out of 1220, Top 81%) and also a somewhat popular surname for both adults and children (#147095 out of 150436, Top 98%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Damion entered the list in 1960-1969 and reached its peak position of #428 in the U.S. in 2002, and is currently at #1254. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Damian (#108 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Damien (#264), Damon (#427), Damen, Dameon and Daymon are the prominent alternative forms of Damion (#1254) rated in the Top 2000. These relations of Damion were favored as baby names 5 years ago (USAGE OF 0.4%) and have remained as popular to this day (USAGE 0.3%, ▼9%), but with versions like Damion becoming somewhat outmoded. Damian and Damien are two of the more contemporarily stylish names for newborns among these.
Similar Names
Damion▼ is alike in pronunciation to Daemon, Daimen, Daimon, Daman, Damen, Dameon, Damian▲, Damien▲, Damon▼, Damone, Damyan, Damyen, Damyon, Dayman, Daymian, Daymon and Demyan. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Camdon, Campion, Dacio, Dagon, Dain, Dajon, Dallon, Dalon, Dalton▼, Damiano, Damick (see Damek), Damont, Danton, Darian, Darien▼, Darin▼, Dario▲, Darion▼, Daron, Darrion▼, Darron, Darton, Darwon (see Darwin), Daveon, Davian, Davien, Davin, Davion, Davison, Davyon, Dawson▲, Daxton▲, Daylon, Dayson, Dayton, Deion▼, Devion, Dion▼, Domini, Domino, Dominy, Dorion, Eamon, Fabion, Garion, Jamin, Jamison▲, Jamon, Kamdon, Kamron, Marion▼, Marmion, Ramon▼, Samson▲, Savion▼, Tamson, Xavion and Yamin. These names tend to be less commonly used than Damion.