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What does Danny mean?

Danny Pronunciation of Danny as a boys' name (also used less commonly as girls' name Danny) has its root in Hebrew, and the name Danny means "God is my judge". Danny is a variant form of Daniel (Hebrew).




VARIANTS Danya, Dannie, Dani

OTHER FORMS VIA DANIEL Dan, Danal, Dane, Daneal, Danek, Danell, Danial, Danil, Danilo, Danko, Dannel, Danyal, Danyel

(male) Deny, ..

(female) Dannai, ..

Danny Forrest (D.F.), ..

How popular is Danny?

Danny is a very popular first name for men (#101 out of 1220, Top 8%) and a slightly less popular last name for all people (#78838 out of 150436, Top 52%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Danny entered the list in 1900-1909 and reached its top rank of #44 in the U.S. in the 1950s, and is presently at #540. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Danny name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Danny outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Popular alternative forms of Danny (#540 A YEAR AGO) are Dan (#1660), Dane (#756), Danial, Daniel (#15), Danilo (#1033) and Dannie. Other forms, like Danyel, are uncommon. These forms of Danny were favored by parents 38 years ago (AVERAGE #703) and have become significantly less widespread since (#1143, DOWN 67%), with forms like Daniel becoming less stylish. Daniel has generally been the top pick of parents, although Danilo seems to be becoming a favorite too.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Danny, Dan, Dane, Danial, Daniel in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Danilo, Dannie in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Danny, Daniel outside U.S.

Similar Names

Danny is alike in pronunciation to Dana, Danie, Danno, Denney, Dennie, Denny, Dino, Donau, Donnie and Donny. Other recommended sound-alike names are Barny, Benny, Carny, Dabney, Dabny, Dacey, Dacy, Daffy, Dagny, Dahey, Dahy, Daicy, Daily, Dain, Daine, Daley, Daly, Danar, Danby, Dandy, Dann, Danon, Dantay, Dante, Darby, Darcy, Darry, Darsy, Davey, Davy, Day, Dayne, Denby, Denly, Dennys, Donn, Donne, Dunly (see Dunley), Dunn, Dunne, Gianny, Hany, Jonny, Karny (see Kearney), Kenny, Lanny, Lenny, Lonny, Manny, Renny, Ronny, Sonny, Sunny, Tenny and Vinny. These names tend to be less commonly used than Danny.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
