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♂ Darius
What does Darius mean?
Darius ▼ as a boys' name is pronounced da-RYE-us, DARE-ee-us. It is of Greek and Persian origin, and the meaning of Darius is "maintains possessions well". From Dareios, originally a version of the name of various ancient Persian kings. The original form of the name is Darayavahush. Historical: Darius (in Persian, Dariush) the Great assumed the kingship of Babylon after its conquest by Cyrus in fifth century BC. He was a renowned king also known as Darius the Great. Also the name of an obscure saint who was martyred at Nicaea. This name is popular with African-Americans.
ASSOCIATED WITH greek, ancient (old), great, conquest (victory)
VARIANTS Darias, Dariess, Dario▲, Darious, Darrius▼, Derrius, Derry
SEE ALSO Darian, Darion, Jarius
Darius Kevin (D.K.), ..
How popular is Darius?
Darius is a somewhat prominent first name for males (#606 out of 1220, Top 50%) and an even more prominent surname for all people (#36917 out of 150436, Top 25%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Darius reached its peak position of #152 in the U.S. in 1991, and is currently at #509. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Darian (#833 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Dario (#830), Darion (#1933), Darious, Darrius, Derrius, Derry and Jarius are the prominent related forms of Darius (#509). Adoption of these relations of Darius was more pronounced among parents in the year 1994 (ADOPTION OF 0.2%) and has become much reduced since (ADOPTION 0.06%, 68% LESS). Darius is a constant favorite, though Dario has become trendy as well, while forms such as Darion are now less popular.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Arius, Baris, Caius, Dacius, Damarius, Darach, Darcey, Darcio, Darcy, Darek, Daric, Darick, Dariel▲, Darien▼, Darin▼, Darko, Darrick▼, Darriq, Darsey, Darsy, Davies, Davis▲, Daviss, Delius, Deric, Derick▼, Derik, Deriq, Fabius, Faris, Gaius, Jaris, Marcus▼, Marinus, Marius, Markus, Paris▼ and Sirius. These names tend to be less commonly used than Darius.