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♂ Darold
What does Darold mean?
Darold as a boys' name is pronounced DARE-old. It is of American origin. Invented name that is a blend of Daryl and Harold or Gerald.
VARIANTS Darrold, Derald, Derrold
RELATIONS VIA DARYL, GERALD, HAROLD Aroldo, Darel, Dariel▲, Dariell, Darral, Darrel▼, Darrell▼, Darrill, Darrol, Darroll, Darryl▼, Darryll, Daryle, Daryll, Derell, Deryl, Deryll, Garald, Garold, Gearoid, Gerhold, Gerold, Gerolld, Gerolt, Gerrold, Geryld, Harald, Haralds, Harolda, Haroldo, Herold, Herrold, Jerald▼, Jerold▼, Jerrold▼
Darold Reyansh (D.R.), ..
How popular is Darold?
Darold is an uncommonly occurring given name for males. Darold is also an uncommon last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Darold entered the list in 1910-1919 and reached its highest position of #657 in the U.S. during the years 1930-1939, but is not in the Top 1000 at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Dariel (#643 FROM RECENT DATA), Harold (#797), Gerald (#894), Darrell (#1062), Darryl (#1325), Daryl (#1641), Darel, Jerold, Jerald, Herold, Harald, Gerold, Derald, Garold, Deryl, Daryll, Daryle, Darryll, Darrel and Jerrold are the popular related forms of Darold appearing in the Top 2000. These forms of Darold were popular as birth names in the 1930s (USAGE OF 1.94%) and are now significantly less popular (USAGE 0.07%, ▼96%), with versions such as Jerold becoming somewhat dated. Dariel is the most trendy birth name in this compilation.
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Arnold▼, Bernold (see Bernal), Caroll, Dael, Dafydd, Dagwood, Daimond, Dakota▼, Dal, Danil, Danon, Darach, Daran, Darbey, Darcel, Darcell, Darcey, Darcy, Dard, Darek, Darel, Darian, Darias, Dariel▲, Dariell, Dario▲, Darion▼, Darius▼, Darko, Darnel, Darnell▼, Darnley, Daron, Darrah, Darran, Darro, Darroch, Darrock, Darrol, Darroll, Darrow, Darry, Darryn, Darsey, Darsy, Darvin, Daryle, Daryll, David▼, Davon▼, Daymond, Demond▼, Deron, Dod, Doron, Doroni, Durand, Durell, Farold, Garald, Garold, Gerold, Gerrold, Harald, Harolda, Haroldo, Herold, Herrold, Jarod▼, Jerold▼, Karol, Karoly, Ranald, Thorold and Torald. These names tend to be more frequently used than Darold.