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♂ Darrell
What does Darrell mean?
Darrell ▼ as a name for boys (also used less regularly as girls' name Darrell). The meaning of the name Darrell is "open; from Airelle". Darrell is a variant form of Darrel (Old English, Old French). Darrell is also a variant of Darryl (English, Old French). See also Darence
VARIANTS Deryll, Deryl, Derryl, Derrill, Derril, Derrell, Derrel, Derrall, Derell, Daryll, Daryle, Daryl▼, Darryll, Darroll, Darrol, Darrill, Darral, Dariell, Dariel▲, Darel
Darrell Jakob (D.J.), ..
How popular is Darrell?
Darrell is a very prominent first name for males (#165 out of 1220, Top 13%) and also a very prominent surname for all people (#17710 out of 150436, Top 12%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Darrell reached its apex position of #95 in the U.S. in the 1950s, and is at #1062 presently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Darrell (#1062 THE PREVIOUS YEAR) rated in the Top 2000 are Darel, Dariel (#643), Darrel, Darry, Darryl (#1325), Darryll, Daryl (#1641), Daryle, Daryll, Derrel, Derrell, Derrill, Derryl and Deryl. Usage of these forms of Darrell was at its peak during the years 1960-1969 (AVERAGE #1065) and has become much lower since (#1778, ▼91.3%), with versions like Darryl becoming less trendy. Dariel is the most trendy boy name here.
Similar Names
Darrell▼ is pronounced similarly to Derelle, Doriel, Dorrel, Dorrell, Durell and Durrell. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Burrell, Cardell, Carnell, Carroll▼, Cartrell, Carvell, Danell, Dantrell, Darcel, Darcell, Darnall, Darneil, Darnel, Darnell▼, Darren▼, Darrold (see Darold), Darvell, Farnell, Farrel, Farrell, Farrill, Farryll, Ferrell, Gardell, Gerrell, Gorrell, Harrel, Harrell, Harwell, Jarell, Jarrall (see Jarrell), Jarrel, Jarrell, Jarvell, Jerrell▼, Jorrell, Karrel, Larell, Larnell, Latrell▼, Marcell, Markell, Martell, Marvell, Marzell, Maurell, Merrell, Morrell, Parnell, Parrnell, Sorrell, Tarrall (see Terrell), Terrell▼, Tirrell, Tyrrell, Verrell and Wardell. These names tend to be less commonly used than Darrell.