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♂ Dawley
What does Dawley mean?
Dawley as a boys' name. Dawley means "assembly". Dawley is a version of Daly (Irish, Gaelic): decathlon athlete Daley Thompson.
Dawley Mahdi (D.M.), ..
How popular is Dawley?
Dawley is an uncommonly occurring first name for males but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#12566 out of 150436, Top 8%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Dawley has not been ranked in the list thus far. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Dawley is pronounced similarly to Dailey, Daily and Dooley. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bailey▼, Baley, Baxley, Bayley, Brawley, Cailey, Caley, Carley, Dabney, Dacey, Dael, Dahey, Daicey, Daile, Dal, Dale▼, Dalen, Dalle, Dallen, Dalles, Darbey, Darcey, Darnley, Darsey, Davey, Dawe, Dawes, Dayle, Daylen, Denley, Dewey▼, Doyle▼, Dudley▼, Dunley, Earley, Farley, Hadley, Hagley, Hailey, Haley, Halley, Hanley, Harley▼, Hawley, Hawly, Hayley, Kaley, Kayley, Lawler, Lawrey, Manley, Marley▲, Oakley▲, Paley, Radley, Rawley, Rawly, Rowley, Wadley, Warley and Yarley. These names tend to be more frequently used than Dawley.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]