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What does De- mean?

De- as a boys' name (also used as girls' name De-) is pronounced de. It is of American origin. Combination of the De- prefix with various endings. Pronunciation emphasis is on the second syllable. These given names follow the French style of aristocratic surnames using the prefix de-. Capitalizing the second syllable is optional; names of this type appear both ways in contemporary usage. See also Da-.


ASSOCIATED WITH aristocratic (noble), surnames


VARIANTS Deandre, Deangelo, Deante, Deanthony, Dejohn, Dejon, Dejuan, Deleon, Delon, Deloran, Delorean, Demar, Demarco, Demarcos, Demarcus, Demario, Demarr, Demauri, Demond, Demonte, Deondre, Deontae, Deonte, Derelle, Deron, Deroyce, Desean, Deshawn, Deshay, Deval, Devane, Devante, Devaughn, Devaun, Devell, Devonn, Devonte, Dewayne, Dewitt


Which version is better?

Deandre (#697 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Deangelo (#983), Deante, Deanthony, Dejon, Dejuan, Demarco, Demarcus (#1171), Demario (#1934), Demond, Demonte, Deondre, Deontae, Deonte (#1968), Deron, Desean, Deshawn (#919), Devante (#1623), Devaughn, Devonte (#1409), Dewayne and Dewitt are the prominent related forms of De- (NOT IN TOP 2000). These relations of De- were popular with parents in 1992 (AVERAGE #836) and have become much less popular since (#1759, 80%), with forms such as Devante becoming less stylish. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Deandre, Deangelo, Deante, Deanthony, Dejon in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Dejuan, Demarco, Demarcus, Demario, Demond in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Demonte, Deondre, Deontae, Deonte, Deron in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Desean, Deshawn, Devante, Devaughn, Devonte in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Dewayne, Dewitt in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of De- and related baby names outside U.S.
