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♂ Dejon
What does Dejon mean?
Dejon as a name for boys is an American name. Dejon is a variant form of De- (American).
RELATIONS VIA DE- Dejohn, Dejuan, Deleon, Delon, Deloran, Demar, Demond▼, Demonte, Deonte▼, Deron, Desean, Deval, Devane, Devaun, Devonn, Devonte▼
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Dejond, ..
(female) Dejona, ..
Dejon Kason (D.K.), ..
How popular is Dejon?
Dejon is a rare first name for men. Dejon is a unique surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Dejon was first listed in 1990 and reached its apex rank of #976 in the U.S. in the year 1992, but is not found in the list at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Devonte (#1409 VIA LATEST LIST), Deonte (#1968), Dejuan, Demond, Demonte, Deron and Desean are the prominent alternative forms of Dejon listed in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Devane, are uncommon. Adoption of these relations of Dejon reached its apex 3 decades ago (MEDIAN #845) and is now significantly reduced, with forms such as Demond becoming somewhat dated.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Aeron, Aeson, Bevon, Daemon, Dagon, Dajohn, Dajon, Dalon, Damon▼, Danon, Daron, Davon▼, Deacon▲, Dean, Deavon, Deecon, Deekon, Deen, Deion▼, Dejohn, Dejuan, Deleon, Delmon, Delon, Delos, Delron, Delton, Delvon, Demond▼, Demos, Den, Deon, Deonn, Deron, Derron, Dervon, Deshon, Deston, Devan▼, Deven▼, Deveon, Devin▼, Devion, Devlon, Devon▼, Devonn, Devron, Devyn▼, Dewonn (see Dejuan), Dexton, Deyn, Deyon, Dilon, Dion▼, Dixon, Don▼, Doron, Dylon▼, Dyson, Geron, Jeron, Jevon▼, Keon, Kevon▼, Lajon, Ledon, Leon▼, Leron, Levon, Nevon, Seton, Teron, Tevon and Zenon. These names tend to be more commonly used than Dejon.