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♂ Demarr
What does Demarr mean?
Demarr as a boys' name has its root in American. Demarr is an alternate spelling of De- (American).
RELATED FORMS VIA DE- Demarco▼, Demarcos, Demarcus, Demario, Demauri, Demond▼, Deval, Devane, Devaun
Demarr Ernest (D.E.), ..
How popular is Demarr?
Demarr is an uncommonly occurring first name for males but a very prominent surname for all people (#48776 out of 150436, Top 32%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Demarr (NOT RANKED) are Demarcus (#1171 IN 2018), Demario (#1934), Demarco and Demond. Other forms, like Demar, are uncommon. Usage of these relations of Demarr was widespread in the year 1991 (ADOPTION OF 0.05%) and is now much less (ADOPTION 0.01%, 73.7% LESS), with versions such as Demond becoming somewhat dated. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Demarr is pronounced similarly to Damar and Demar. Other recommended sound-alike names are Barr, Bernarr (see Bernard), Carr, Daman, Damarco, Damario, Damaro, Damero, Danar, Dar, Dard, Darro, Darry, Dart, Davar, Deane, Decatur, Decker▲, Dekker, Delane, Delani, Delano▼, Delany, Delman, Delmar▼, Delmer▼, Delmor (see Delmar), Delmore, Demarco▼, Demarcos, Demarcus, Demario, Demarko, Demarkus, Demas, Demauri, Demetri, Demitri, Demond▼, Demos, Dempsy (see Dempsey), Demyan, Denali, Denman, Denmark, Denver▲, Deodar, Derald, Deri, Derk, Derry, Derward, Deval, Devan▼, Devane, Devaun, Dewain, Dexter▲, Dimas, Farr, Jamarr, Jemar, Jemarr, Jimarr, Karr, Kerr, Lamarr, Lemar, Lemarr, Marr, Omarr, Parr and Starr. These names tend to be more commonly used than Demarr.