Home > Dermot


What does Dermot mean?

Dermot Pronunciation of Dermot as a boys' name is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Dermot is "free man". Actor Dermot Mulroney. Also form of Jeremiah.




VARIANTS Dermott, Diarmid, Diarmuld

SEE ALSO Derry, Kermit



Dermot Joseph (D.J.), ..

How popular is Dermot?

Dermot is a rare given name for men. Dermot is also a unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Popular varying forms of Dermot (NOT RANKED) are Jeremiah (#65 IN 2018), Derry and Kermit. Adoption of these forms of Dermot was at its highest in 2010 (AVERAGE #1350) and is somewhat lower today (#1355, 23.4% LESS USAGE), with the form Kermit falling out of fashion. Jeremiah is the most chic baby name here. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Derry, Jeremiah, Kermit in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Dermot and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Daemon, Daimon, Damon, Dario, Darion, Darko, Darro, Darrol, Dart, Darton, Darwon (see Darwin), Daymon, Deacon, Deavon, Deems, Dejon, Dekota, Deleon, Delios, Delmar, Delmer, Delmon, Delmont, Delmor (see Delmar), Delmore, Delos, Delroi (see Delroy), Delron, Delton, Delvon, Demar, Demas, Demos, Denman, Derald, Derbie, Derby, Dereck, Derek, Derell, Deric, Derik, Derk, Deron, Derrek, Derrel, Derril, Derrin, Derrold (see Darold), Derron, Derryk, Dervon, Derwent, Derwin, Derwyn, Deryck, Deryll, Desmond, Deston, Deveon, Devlon, Devron, Deyon, Diderot, Diot, Doron, Dumont, Durant, Emmot, Heriot, Hermon, Heroot (see Cherut), Jerrot, Vermont and Wescot. These names tend to be more commonly used than Dermot.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
