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♂ Diandray
What does Diandray mean?
Diandray as a boys' name is of American origin. Diandray is an alternate form of Deandre (American).
VARIANTS Diondray, Diondrae, Deandray, Deandrae
Diandray Azariah (D.A.), ..
How popular is Diandray?
Diandray is an uncommonly occurring given name for men. Diandray is an equivalently uncommon last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
The only popular alternative form of Diandray (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) is Deandre (#697 VIA LATEST LIST). This form of Diandray reached the apex of its popularity 24 years ago (USAGE OF 0.1%) and has become much less conventional since. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Diandray is alike in pronunciation to Deandrae, Deandray, Diondrae and Diondray. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aundray, Canaday, D'Andre, Dadrian, Dana▼, Danal, Danar, Danby, Dandie, Dandy, Daneal, Danial, Danny▼, Dantae, Dantay, Danya, Danyal, Daran, Darby, Darcy, Darrah, Darral, Darran, Darry, Darsy, Deandre▼, Delray, Deondre▼, Diandre, Diangelo, Diarmi, Diggery, Diggorey, Diggory, Digory, Dimitry, Diondre, Dondre, Dontay, Dray, Findlay, Finlay, Finndlay, Gildray (see Gilroy), Gillray, Gilray, Jaray, Landry▲, Laray, Liandro, Lindesay (see Lindsay), Lindsay, Linsay, Lyndsay (see Lindsay), Maccray, Ohndray (see Ondre), Ondray (see Ondre), Onndray (see Ondre), Sanjay, Shaday, Stanaway, Stannway (see Stanway) and Stanway. These names tend to be more frequently used than Diandray.