Home > Dillen


What does Dillen mean?

Dillen Pronunciation of Dillen as a name for boys means "like a lion; loyal". Dillen is a version of Dillon (Irish, Gaelic): sounds like Dylan.


ASSOCIATED WITH lion, loyal (faithful)


VARIANTS Dylon, Dyllon, Dilon, Dillan, Dilan



Dillen Harper (D.H.), ..

How popular is Dillen?

Dillen is an unusual first name for men but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#39560 out of 150436, Top 26%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Dillon (#592 LAST YEAR), Dilan (#1132), Dillan (#1935), Dyllon and Dylon are the prominent varying forms of Dillen (NOT RANKED). Usage of these forms of Dillen was common in 1992 (USAGE OF 0.29%) and is now much reduced (USAGE 0.04%, 86.6%). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Dilan, Dillan, Dillon, Dyllon, Dylon in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Dillon outside U.S.

Similar Names

Dillen is pronounced similarly to Daelan, Dalan, Dalen, Dallan, Dallen, Dallin, Dallon, Dalon, Dalwyn, Dalyn, Daylan, Daylen, Daylin, Daylon, Deleon, Dellwin, Delon, Delwin, Delwyn, Deylin, Dolan, Dylan, Dyllan and Dylonn. Other recommended sound-alike names are Allen, Arllen, Bille, Collen, Cullen, Dalle, Dalles, Dalten, Delles, Devlen, Fillan, Gaillen, Gillan, Gillean, Gillen, Gilleon, Gilles, Gilley, Gillon, Hallen, Hillel, Hiller, Jaillen, Kellen, Killean, Mallen, Mellen, Millen, Miller, Milten (see Milton), Quillen, Tallen, Tilden, Tillden (see Tilden), Vallen, Villem, Willem, Willes, Willet and Willey. These names tend to be more frequently used than Dillen.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
