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♂ Dontay
What does Dontay mean?
Dontay as a name for boys is of Italian derivation, and the meaning of the name Dontay is "lasting, enduring". Dontay is an alternate form of Dante (Spanish, Italian, Latin). Historical: Dante Alighieri. Dontay is also a form of Donte (Italian).
VARIANTS Dontey, Dontaye, Dontae▼, Dohntae, Dantay, Dantae
Dontay Zaiden (D.Z.), ..
How popular is Dontay?
Dontay is an uncommon given name for men. Dontay is an equally unique surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Dontay entered the list in 1980-1989 and reached its top position of #1252 in the U.S. in 1990, but is not ranked currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Dante (#316 FROM RECENT DATA), Donte (#1471) and Dontae are the prominent variation forms of Dontay. These relations of Dontay were favored as baby names 21 years ago (MEDIAN #759) and are somewhat less conventional today (#1446, ▼49%), with forms like Dontae falling out of fashion. Dante is the most fashionable boy name in this list.
Similar Names
Dontay is pronounced similarly to Deontae. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Amitay, Conway, Dana▼, Danal, Danby, Dandy, Daneal, Danial, Danny▼, Danya, Danyal, Day, Daytan, Denbey, Denby, Denham, Denley, Denly, Denman, Denney, Denny▼, Deonte▼, Deshay, Destry, Diondray, Dionte, Dmitry, Doan, Dolan, Dominy, Don▼, Donal, Donald▼, Donato, Donau, Donavan, Dondre, Donell, Donn, Donnan, Donne, Donnel, Donnie▼, Donny▼, Donovan, Donzel, Doogan, Dooley, Doram, Doran, Dorian▲, Dorran, Dorsey▼, Dougal, Dougan, Dray, Dunbar, Duncan▼, Dunley, Dunly (see Dunley), Dunstan, Dunton, Dustan, Dusty▼, Johntay, Jontae, Kenway, Linsay, Montae, Montay, Monty▼, Moray, Rojay and Sanjay. These names tend to be more frequently used than Dontay.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]