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♂ Draper
What does Draper mean?
Draper as a boys' name is of Old English origin. Occupational name: a draper was a man who sold cloth.
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, occupational
Draper Parker (D.P.), ..
How popular is Draper?
Draper is an unusual first name for males but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#1397 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Draper has yet to be ranked in the Top 2000 thus far. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Baker▲, Beamer, Braser, Brazer, Broder, Casper, Cramer, Dace, Daeg, Dael, Dale▼, Dalen, Daley, Damar, Damen, Damero, Danar, Dane, Darek, Darel, Daren▼, Davar, Dave▼, Daven, Davey, Dawes, Daye, Deane, Deker, Delmer▼, Denver▲, Dexter▲, Didier, Dover, Draco, Dracon, Drago, Drake, Drakon, Draven, Dre, Drue, Dryden, Duane▼, Dwade, Fraser, Frasier, Frazer, Fryer, Gasper, Greer, Harper, Hooper, Jasper▲, Kacper, Kramer, Lazer, Majer, Mayer, Napier, Naser, Pepper, Piper, Prosper, Rafer, Roper, Saber, Sayer, Seager, Slater, Taber, Thayer, Traver, Trever▼ and Tupper. These names tend to be more frequently used than Draper.