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♂ Earl
What does Earl mean?
Earl ▼ as a boys' name is pronounced erl. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Earl is "nobleman, warrior, prince". Name based on the English title, originally a nickname similar to Baron, Duke or King. The title was used as an equivalent of the French comte meaning Count, from Old English eorl. Use as a given name may also be from the surname, originally a nickname for people who worked for the aristocratic household of an earl. Author Erle Stanley Gardner; actor Errol Flynn; basketball celebrity Earl ("the Pearl") Monroe; musician Earl Scruggs; Chief Justice of the American Supreme Court Earl Warren.
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, warrior, prince (king), old, surname, worked (occupational), household, chief (leader), justice
VARIANTS Earle▼, Earlie, Early▼, Erl, Erle, Errol▼, Erroll, Erryl, Irl, Rollo
RELATIONS VIA BARON, ERROL Barr, Erol, Erryle, Eryle
Earl Brett (E.B.), ..
How popular is Earl?
Earl is a very popular first name for men (#98 out of 1220, Top 8%) and also a very popular surname for all people (#2170 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Earl reached its apex position of #21 in the U.S. in the 1890s, and is at #1664 presently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Earl (#1664 FROM RECENT DATA) are King (#150), Duke (#531), Baron (#1431), Barnett, Earle, Earlie, Early, Erle, Errol, Erroll, Irl and Rollo. Other forms, like Erol, are uncommon. These forms of Earl were at the apex of their popularity 128 years ago (AVERAGE #1001) and have become much less popular since (#1675, DOWN 78%), with forms like Early going out of style. King and Duke are two of the more trendy birth names in this list.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Berl, Burl▼, Carl▼, Eagle, Ean, Eann, Earley, Edel, Eero, Egil, Emil▼, Eri, Erly, Ern, Erv, Esra, Evart, Eward, Ewart, Ezar, Ezra▲, Ezri, Karl▼ and Perl. These names tend to be less frequently used than Earl.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]