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What does Edward mean?

Edward Pronunciation of Edward as a boys' name is pronounced ED-werd. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Edward is "wealthy guard". From �ad meaning "riches" and weard meaning "guard". Used in the royal family by three Anglo-Saxon kings and eight kings of England since the Norman Conquest. King Edward the Confessor (11th century) was also a saint and came to be venerated in Europe as a model of a Christian king. As a nickname for Edward, Eddie has been replaced by Ted, Teddy, or Ned. Photographer Edward Steichen; ballet dancer Edward Villella; American Senator Edward Kennedy; poet Edward Lear; artist Edouard Manet; Edward, Duke of Windsor; actors Edward Norton, Edward Burns.


ASSOCIATED WITH old english, guard (defender), england, norman, conquest (victory), saint, duke (noble)


VARIANTS Duarte, Eadbhard, Eadward, Ed, Eddie, Eddy, Edik, Edison, Edoardo, Edouard, Eduard, Eduarde, Eduardo, Edvard, Edvardas, Edwardo, Edwards, Eideard, Ekewaka, Eudard, Ewart, Lalo, Ned, Neddie, Ted, Teddie, Teddy

SEE ALSO Edgar, Edmund

FEMININE FORMS Edwardine, Edwina, Neda



Edward Shane (E.S.), ..

How popular is Edward?

Edward is a very popular first name for men (#19 out of 1220, Top 1%) and also a very popular surname for all people (#6074 out of 150436, Top 4%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Edward reached its peak position of #8 in the U.S. in the 1910s, and is presently at #169. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Edward name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Edward outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Prominent alternative forms of Edward (#169 FROM RECENT DATA) appearing in the Top 2000 are Eduardo (#315), Edgar (#356), Edison (#536), Eddie (#725), Edmund (#1137), Eddy (#1485), Teddy (#1647), Ed, Edwardo, Ewart, Ned, Ted and Teddie. Usage of these forms of Edward reached its highest during 1880-1889 (USAGE OF 2.9%) and has become significantly diminished since (USAGE 0.3%, 90%). Edward has generally been preferred by parents, though Edison has become popular as well, while forms such as Ted are now less common.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Edward, Ed, Eddie, Eddy, Edgar in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Edison, Edmund, Eduardo, Edwardo, Ewart in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Ned, Ted, Teddie, Teddy in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Edward, Eddie, Teddy outside U.S.

Similar Names

Edward is alike in pronunciation to Woodward. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adalard, Adelard, Adlard, Alard, Alhard (see Allard), Aliard, Allard, Asgard, Aylward, Bard, Bayard, Card, Dard, Derward, Earl, Eckard, Eckhard, Edan, Edd, Eder, Edgard, Edgardo, Edmar, Edmond, Edmwnd (see Edmund), Ednan, Edred, Edwin, Edwyn, Eilad, Einar, Einhard, Elford, Elgar, Ellard, Ellary, Elmar, Elrad, Elwood, Erhard, Erhart, Erland, Evald, Evart, Everard, Evrard, Evraud (see Everard), Ewald, Ewan, Eward, Ewert, Ezar, Gard, Gerard, Godard, Goddard, Halward, Haward, Hayward, Hazard, Hobard, Howard, Jarard, Jerard, Kenward, Lenard, Menard, Norward, Renard, Ricard, Rikard, Seward, Sewerd and Siward. These names tend to be less frequently used than Edward.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
