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♂ Eldin
What does Eldin mean?
Eldin as a boys' name is of Old English and Old German origin, and the name Eldin means "old friend". Eldin is a version of Alden (Old English): surname used as a given name. Eldin is also a derivative of Aldous (Old German). Eldin is also used as a variation of Aldwin (Old English), and a variation of Elden (Old English).
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, old, friend
VARIANTS Eldwynn, Eldwyn, Eldwin, Eldon▼, Aldwynne, Aldwynn, Aldwyn, Aldwinne, Aldwinn, Aldon, Aldin, Aldan
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ALDEN, ALDOUS, ALDWIN, ELDEN Aldis, Aldivin, Aldo, Aldus, Alwine, Eldis, Eldous, Elton▼
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Eidin, ..
(female) Eldini, ..
Eldin Eiden (E.E.), ..
How popular is Eldin?
Eldin is a rare first name for males but a somewhat popular surname for all people (#129619 out of 150436, Top 86%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Alden (#638 LAST YEAR), Aldo (#839), Aldon, Elden, Eldon and Elton (#1980) are the prominent variation forms of Eldin (NOT RANKED) ranked in the Top 2000. These relations of Eldin were favored during the years 1920-1929 (MEDIAN #613) and are now much less common (#1576, 67.2% LESS USAGE), with forms such as Eldon becoming less trendy. Alden is the most fashionable birth name in this list. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Eldin is pronounced similarly to Walden, Waldon, Welden and Weldon▼. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adin, Alain, Albin▼, Aldrin, Alin, Allin, Alpin, Aluin, Alvin▼, Alwin, Ardin, Aydin▲, Blain, Bodin, Eaden, Eadin, Edan, Eddie▼, Eden▲, Edik, Edin, Edlin, Edon, Edun, Edvin, Edwin▼, Edyn, Eidan, Eiden, Eilgin, Eladio, Elan, Elder, Eldor, Eldrid, Elgin, Elgine, Eli▲, Elia, Elian▲, Elie, Elis, Eliu, Eljin, Elkan, Elli, Elman, Elmir, Eloi, Elois, Elon▲, Elsdon, Elven, Elvin▼, Elvio, Elvyn, Elwin▼, Elwinn (see Elvin), Elwyn, Emlin, Eoin, Erin▼, Ermin, Ernin, Erwin▼, Evin, Ewin, Flin, Glin, Kadin▼ and Klein. These names tend to be more frequently used than Eldin.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]