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♂ Elvis
What does Elvis mean?
Elvis as a boys' name (also used less generally as girls' name Elvis) is pronounced EL-viss. Of uncertain origin. Possibly related to Alvis from Norse mythology, meaning "all wise". May also be a form of the surname Elwes which comes from Eloise, or of Elwin which comes from Alvin. Made famous by the late singer/actor Elvis Presley. The name of a shadowy sixth-century Irish saint, who is also known as Elwyn, Elwin, Elian and Allan. Skater Elvis Stojko; football player Elvis Grbac.
ASSOCIATED WITH norse, mythology, wise, surname, famous, irish (gaelic), saint
VARIANTS Alvis, Alvys, Elvio, Elviss, Elvo, Elvys
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ALLAN, ALVIN, ALVIS, ELWIN, ELWYN Alain, Alin, Allin, Aloin, Aluin, Alva▼, Alvan, Alven, Alvie▼, Alvise, Alviss, Alvy, Alvyn, Alwin, Alwis, Elvin▼, Elvyn, Elwin▼, Elwyn
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Ervis, ..
(female) Elfys, ..
Elvis Beau (E.B.), ..
How popular is Elvis?
Elvis is a somewhat popular first name for men (#663 out of 1220, Top 54%) and an even more popular last name for both adults and children (#55003 out of 150436, Top 37%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Elvis reached its peak position of #534 in the U.S. during 1950-1959, and is currently at #1210. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Elian (#411 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Alvin (#654), Allan (#778), Elvin (#1444), Alain, Alva, Alvan, Alven, Alvie, Alvis, Alvy, Alwin, Elwin and Elwyn are the popular varying forms of Elvis (#1210). Usage of these forms of Elvis was widespread among parents a century ago (USAGE OF 0.41%) and has become much reduced since (USAGE 0.1%, ▼76.6%), with forms like Elvin becoming somewhat dated. Elian is the most contemporarily stylish boy name among these.
Similar Names
Elvis is alike in pronunciation to Alvise, Alviss and Yoelvis. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Albis, Aldis, Algis, Alois▼, Alwis, Arvis, Bevis, Blais, Clovis, Davis▲, Edvin, Eldin, Eldis, Elgin, Eli▲, Elia, Elias▲, Elie, Elis, Eliso, Eliu, Eljin, Elli, Ellis▲, Elliss, Elmir, Eloi, Elois, Elven, Elvin▼, Elvyn, Elyas, Enis, Ennis, Ervin▼, Evin, Kelvis, Kevis, Tavis and Tevis. These names tend to be less frequently used than Elvis.