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♂ Emelio
What does Emelio mean?
Emelio as a boys' name is of Latin derivation, and Emelio means "rival; laborious; eager". Emelio is a version of Emil (Latin): from the old Roman surname Aemilius.
RELATIONS VIA EMIL Emelen, Emile▼, Emilian, Emiliano▲, Emilien, Emilion, Emlen, Emlin, Emlyn
Emelio Jarrett (E.J.), ..
How popular is Emelio?
Emelio is an uncommonly occurring first name for males but a somewhat prominent last name for all people (#115489 out of 150436, Top 77%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Emelio (NOT RANKED) ranked in the Top 2000 are Emiliano (#190 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Emilio (#248), Emil (#1370) and Emile. Other forms, like Emilian, are uncommon. These relations of Emelio were popular as baby names presently (MEDIAN #952), except for versions such as Emile which have fallen out of fashion. Emiliano and Emilio are two of the more trendy names for newborns among these. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Emelio is alike in pronunciation to Amali, Amalio and Amelio. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adulio, Alerio, Alexio, Arcelio, Aurelio, Celio, Decio, Earlie, Edel, Edelgiso (see Adalgiso), Edelin, Ederic, Edlin, Eelia, Eero, Efisio, Egidio, Eilif, Eladio, Eli▲, Elia, Elie, Eligio, Eliot, Elis, Eliso, Eliu, Elli, Ellis▲, Elmo▼, Elvio, Elvo, Emeer, Emeliano, Emerey, Emeri, Emerich, Emerson▲, Emicho, Emir▲, Emmit, Ennio, Enzio, Erlie, Erminio, Esabio (see Eusebius), Esebio, Esenin (see Yesenin), Esmeling, Euclid, Euell, Eugenio, Eusaio (see Eusebius), Eusebio, Evaldo (see Everild), Evelin, Evelyn, Everlie, Ewell, Ezio, Fadelio, Fedelio, Fidelio, Genio, Giulio, Irenio, Julio, Nemesio, Odilio, Remedio, Rogelio and Videlio. These names tend to be more commonly used than Emelio.