Home > Emilien


What does Emilien mean?

Emilien Pronunciation of Emilien as a boys' name has its root in Latin, and Emilien means "rival; laborious; eager". Emilien is a variant form of Emil (Latin).


ASSOCIATED WITH rival (war), eager (faithful)


VARIANTS Yemelyan, Emilyan, Emilion, Emilian, Emelen

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA EMIL Emelio, Emile, Emiliano, Emilianus, Emilio, Emlen, Emlin, Emlyn, Emlynn



Emilien Jay (E.J.), ..

How popular is Emilien?

Emilien is an uncommon given name for men but a somewhat popular surname for all people (#84310 out of 150436, Top 56%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Emil (#1370 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Emile, Emiliano (#190) and Emilio (#248) are the prominent variation forms of Emilien (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). These forms of Emilien were favored by parents in 2018 (ADOPTION OF 0.21%), except for forms like Emil which have become less in vogue. Emiliano and Emilio are two of the more trendy baby names among these. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Emil, Emile, Emiliano, Emilio in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Emil outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Dillen, Earlie, Edelin, Edlin, Eiden, Eifion, Eilan, Eilean, Eilgin, Eilginn, Eilian, Eilif, Eilon, Eilwyn, Einion, Eirian, Elden, Elian, Elie, Elven, Emeliano, Erlie, Evelin, Gaillen, Gillen, Jaillen, Julien, Millen, Milten (see Milton), Quillen, Tilden and Vivien. These names tend to be more frequently used than Emilien.
