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♂ Eriq
What does Eriq mean?
Eriq as a boys' name is of Old Norse origin, and Eriq means "complete ruler". Eriq is an alternate spelling of Eric (Old Norse).
VARIANTS Eryk, Errick, Erik▼, Erick, Erek, Eirik, Arrick, Arric, Arreck, Aric▼, Aerrick, Aerric, Aerick, Aeric
OTHER FORMS VIA ERIC Eero, Erich▼, Erico, Erix, Erki, Erkki, Eurico
Eriq Dilan (E.D.), ..
How popular is Eriq?
Eriq is a rare first name for men. Eriq is an equally unique surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Eriq was first listed in 1995 and reached its top rank of #1361 in the U.S. then, but is not listed currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Eric (#160 IN 2018), Erick (#280), Erik (#378), Aric, Erich and Errick are the prominent related forms of Eriq. Other variants, like Arreck, are seldom used. Usage of these relations of Eriq was common 48 years ago (MEDIAN #696) and is now much diminished (#1259, ▼84%).
Similar Names
Eriq is pronounced similarly to Aaric, Arek, Arick, Arik, Erric, Orric, Yorik and Yurik. Other recommended sound-alike names are Deriq, Edik, Edin, Edric, Edrik, Efi, Efrim, Egil, Eli▲, Elia, Elie, Elis, Eliu, Emil▼, Emir▲, Enis, Eoin, Eran, Erez, Eri, Erie, Erin▼, Erl, Erle, Erlie, Erly, Ermin, Ern, Ernie▼, Ernin, Erno, Erol, Eron, Eros, Erv, Erve, Ervin▼, Erwin▼, Evin, Ewin, Ezio, Ezri, Sariq and Tariq▼. These names tend to be more commonly used than Eriq.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]