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♂ Erol
What does Erol mean?
Erol as a boys' name is an alternate spelling of Errol.
VARIANTS Eryle, Erryle, Erryl, Erroll
Erol Rio (E.R.), ..
How popular is Erol?
Erol is an uncommon given name for males but a somewhat popular last name for all people (#149328 out of 150436, Top 99%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Errol and Erroll are the popular variation forms of Erol (NOT IN TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Erryl, are uncommon. Adoption of these relations of Erol was widespread among parents in the 1940s (AVERAGE #1236), but now, the form Errol has gone out of style. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Erol is alike in pronunciation to Airel, Arel, Ariel▲, Aryel, Aurel, Errol▼, Erroll, Erryl, Erryle, Eryle, Oral▼, Orel, Oriel, Orrel and Uriel▲. Other recommended sound-alike names are Col, Earl▼, Edel, Edom, Edon, Eero, Efron, Egil, Egon, Egor, Eion, Ekon, Elof, Eloi, Elon▲, Elov, Eloy, Elrod, Elroi, Elroy▼, Emil▼, Enok, Enos▼, Eon, Eran, Ercole, Ercolo (see Ercole), Erek, Erez, Eri, Eric▼, Erie, Erik▼, Erin▼, Eriq, Erix, Erki, Erl, Erle, Erly, Ern, Erno, Eron, Eros, Erron, Erv, Erve, Eryk, Eton, Evo, Evron, Eyolf, Karol, Pol and Sol▼. These names tend to be more commonly used than Erol.