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♂ Eryle
What does Eryle mean?
Eryle as a boys' name is an alternate form of Errol.
VARIANTS Erryle, Erryl, Erroll, Erol
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Eryse, ..
(female) Erylen, ..
Eryle Xzavier (E.X.), ..
How popular is Eryle?
Eryle is an uncommon first name for males. Eryle is an equally unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Eryle (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000 are Errol and Erroll. Other forms, like Erol, are uncommon. Adoption of these relations of Eryle was at its highest during the years 1940-1949 (MEDIAN #1236), but now, the version Errol has become somewhat outmoded. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Eryle is pronounced similarly to Arel, Aryel, Aryell, Erol, Errol▼, Erroll, Erryl, Erryle, Oral▼ and Orel. Other recommended sound-alike names are Argyle, Cayle, Coyle, Daryle, Dayle, Doyle▼, Eagle, Earle▼, Emile▼, Ercole, Ercule, Erie, Erl, Erle, Erlie, Erly, Ernie▼, Erve, Eryk, Gayle▼, Hayle, Kayle, Kyle▼, Lyle▼, Royle and Zayle. These names tend to be more frequently used than Eryle.