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♂ Ethan
What does Ethan mean?
Ethan as a boys' name is pronounced EE-than. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Ethan is "firmness, long-lived". From Eitan. Biblical: Ethan the Ezrahite was a man noted for his wisdom. American patriot Ethan Allen was a famous Revolutionary War leader. Actor Ethan Hawke.
VARIANTS Aitan, Eitan, Etan, Ethen▼
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Ethin, ..
(female) Ethta, ..
Ethan Jordyn (E.J.), ..
How popular is Ethan?
Ethan is a very popular first name for males (#528 out of 1220, Top 43%) but a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Ethan reached its highest position of #2 in the U.S. in the year 2010, and is at #12 currently. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Eitan (#1826 FROM CURRENT RECORDS) and Ethen are the prominent related forms of Ethan (#12) appearing in the Top 2000. Adoption of these relations of Ethan was at its highest in 2002 (MEDIAN #972) and is somewhat lower today (#1279, ▼42.3%).
Similar Names
Ethan is pronounced similarly to Athan. Other recommended sound-alike names are Cahan, Cathan, Chan, Dathan, Eachan, Eagan, Eaman, Ean, Eban, Edan, Ednan, Efran, Egan, Ehsan, Eian, Eidan, Eilan, Elan, Elian▲, Elkan, Elman, Eltman, Eman, Eoghan, Ephah, Eran, Erman, Ernan, Eton, Euan, Eunan, Evan, Evian, Ewan, Gahan, Gehan, Jahan, Jehan, Johan▲, Kahan, Khan, Lathan, Nathan, Othman, Rohan▲, Shan, Sohan, Stan▼ and Stian. These names tend to be less commonly used than Ethan.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]