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What does Even mean?

Even Pronunciation of Even as a name for boys. The meaning of the name Even is "God is gracious; born of yew; youth". Even is a variant form of Evan (Hebrew, Welsh, Scottish): Welsh version of Iefan.


ASSOCIATED WITH gracious, yew (tree)


VARIANTS Evyn, Evin, Evann

RELATIONS VIA EVAN Euan, Euen, Ev, Eva, Evans, Evo, Ewan, Ewen, Ewy, Owen, Van



Even Eddie (E.E.), ..

How popular is Even?

Even is an unusual first name for men but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#15125 out of 150436, Top 10%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Prominent varying forms of Even (UNLISTED) ranked in the Top 2000 are Owen (#25 LAST YEAR), Evan (#86), Van (#827), Ewan (#1603), Euan, Eva, Evans and Evin. Adoption of these forms of Even was widespread in 2010 (USAGE OF 0.96%) and is almost as conventional today (USAGE 0.78%, DOWN 19.3%). Evan has generally been preferred by parents, though Owen has become popular as well, while Evans is now less popular. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Eva, Evan, Evans, Evin, Ewan in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Owen, Van in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Euan, Evan, Ewan, Owen outside U.S.

Similar Names

Even is alike in pronunciation to Avon, Evian, Evion, Ivan, Ivann, Iven, Ivon and Yvon. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aden, Alen, Alven, Aren, Asen, Ben, Beven, Bren, Daven, Deen, Deven, Eban, Eben, Edel, Eden, Eder, Edon, Edvin, Edyn, Efren, Egan, Egon, Eion, Ekon, Elden, Elex, Elon, Elven, Elvern, Elvin, Elvyn, Eman, Emlen, Enea, Eoin, Eon, Eran, Erek, Ern, Ervin, Etan, Eugen, Evelin, Evelyn, Evert, Evgeni, Evgeny, Evron, Ewin, Ezer, Gaven, Glen, Haven, Irven, Jeven, Keen, Ken, Keven, Neven, Olen, Oren, Raven, Rien, Sten, Sven, Swen and Ziven. These names tend to be more frequently used than Even.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
