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♂ Ezer
What does Ezer mean?
Ezer as a boys' name is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Ezer is "help". Also form of Ezra.
ASSOCIATED WITH help (counsel)
Ezer Tevin (E.T.), ..
How popular is Ezer?
Ezer is a rare first name for men but a somewhat popular surname for both adults and children (#140756 out of 150436, Top 94%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Ezra (#59 FROM RECENT DATA) is the only prominent alternative form of Ezer (NOT IN TOP 2000). This form of Ezer was at the top of its popularity in 2018 (ADOPTION OF 0.3%). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Ezer is pronounced similarly to Acer, Asser and Osier. Other recommended sound-alike names are Amer, Dyer, Eben, Eber, Ebert, Ebner, Edel, Eden▲, Eder, Eero, Egor, Einer, Elber, Elder, Elex, Elger, Elmer▼, Emeer, Emeri, Emery, Emir▲, Emyr, Ender, Enea, Erek, Erez, Euen, Even, Evert▼, Ewen, Ewert, Ezio, Gaer, Ger, Iver, Keer, Ker, Lazer, Myer, Ner, Nezer, Omer▼, Peer, Per and Umer. These names tend to be more commonly used than Ezer.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]