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♂ Feliks
What does Feliks mean?
Feliks as a name for boys has its root in Latin, and the name Feliks means "happy, lucky". Feliks is an alternate spelling of Felix (Latin): masculine of Felicity.
VARIANTS Felyx, Felicks
RELATED FORMS VIA FELIX Felic, Felice, Felicio, Felike, Felizio, Pelike
Feliks Callahan (F.C.), ..
How popular is Feliks?
Feliks is an unusual first name for men. Feliks is an equally unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Felix (#231 VIA LATEST LIST) and Felice are the popular alternative forms of Feliks (NOT RANKED). Other variants, like Felizio, are seldom used. Adoption of these forms of Feliks was at its highest in 2018 (USAGE OF 0.1%). Felix is the steady favorite. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Aleks, Delios, Delius, Fabius, Falito, Falk, Falke, Faris, Felan, Felim, Felipe, Felipo, Felippe, Felten, Feltin (see Felton), Felton, Fenix, Fenris, Fergus, Feri, Ferris, Ferriss, Festus, Fidelis, Filian, Filip, Flin, Flinn, Flint, Flip, Folke, Frits, Fulk, Fulke and Zelik. These names tend to be more commonly used than Feliks.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]